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Need Jobs Filled? Use Veterans

By February 20, 2020No Comments

On the hunt for employees who are hard-working, motivated, honest, and understand how to get a job done? There’s no company that can’t benefit from military veterans.

Here are a few reasons why turning to veterans to fill open positions is a smart move for your company.

  • Quick Learning Curve: Thanks to their time in the military, veterans understand how to learn new concepts quickly and apply them in real-world situations.
  • Respect For The System: Veterans understand the importance of discipline in the workplace and how to follow the rules. This respect for your company’s operations and practices helps your business stay on track and serves as a model for other staffers to follow.
  • Focus On Diversity: Those in the military have worked alongside a wide range of people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and skill levels. This ability to collaborate effectively while respecting the sensibilities of others is a key attribute of any well-run company.
  • Leadership: Veterans know how to work hard and can easily motivate and inspire others. Most veterans know how to get a job done — whether they were in combat or training — they ensure the larger goal is achieved. Having leaders in your workplace helps to keep projects on task, on time and under budget.
  • Resiliency: Resilient employees are a valuable addition to any team. These workers understand how to face challenges with courage, adapt and perform under pressure, and quickly learn and bounce back from failure. With their time in the military, many veterans built a resilient nature and learned how to ‘fail fast’ to keep moving forward.
  • Good Business PR: Hiring veterans makes good business sense because many in the United States place a high reverence on the men and women who serve our country. Businesses who are military-friendly and purposely hire those with prior service look good in the community and build a reputation of being empathetic, patriotic, and down-to-earth.

Are you looking to hire professional, experienced, and hard-working veterans but don’t know when to start? We at FirstOption Workforce Solutions are happy to collaborate with you and help you connect with job-seeking veterans.

To learn more, call FirstOption Workforce Solutions today at 210-733-3700 or contact us online.

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